Good Gravy, Mama!

Another ridiculous look into life as a SAHM (slave at home mom) and her convoluted view of stuff.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Who invited Orlando?

Well, I'm beating the odds people. Today, the hubby and I celebrate 10 years of marriage. Yup, I've been married for a decade...Damn I'm old.
Before I go any further, I just want to apologize for not being motivated to write the last few days. I've not been feeling my best...I'm sure it's a product of being a woman who is now careening towards 40 and menopause. that my ovary stuck to my shoe?
Where was I...oh yeah! I've been married to the love of my life for 10 years, and I love him more today than the day I married him. Marriage is not for the weak-at-heart. Real love takes work, and so I feel so proud we have come this far. 10 years of him leaving soda cans all over the place, leaving his shoes by the door so I can sprain my ankles on them, waking me in the middle of the night with these random conversations about crazy techy caca from work. 3652 days (2 leap years) of hollering at him to light a match in the loo before he sits! A decade of repeating myself, repeating myself, repeating myself... I love him. He was made for me. And he is stellar at listening to my ridiculous stuff, and watching me absolutely go insane...over pretty much nothing. That's love, friends. Love is the ability to see that stuff you adore in a person who carries a bunch of other stuff that drives you mad. And it helps if they can double-click your mouse...(wink-wink, nudge-nudge)!
So, we celebrated the evening by having a nice, looong, slooow, childless dinner at the Parkway Grill in Pasadena! (YUM) It's a notable restaurant...great food, great service. And 2 tables down, Orlando Bloom was celebrating a birthday with Aunt Marilyn and family, or something of the like. I was just sore that I didn't get any of that chocolate/chocolate mousse cake they were having!!!
Honey, thank you, for choosing me, loving me, lifting me, laughing with/at me, and telling me every single day since June 23, 1996 that you do, indeed, love and cherish me. You are my life-long love.
And for the rest of yas, lift your diet coke cans with me as we toast Love. Here's to good friends...tonight is kinda special! (*clunk*) Cheers!


At Sat Jun 24, 09:42:00 AM PDT, Blogger spnstr said...

ahhhh... so sweet... and did I mention how skinny you looked on tv today? sorry we're lamos who didn't call or send a card... everybody is really glad that you had the courage to marry my brother. he's one of us... but a huge handful... and sorry for the lack of capital letters... or is it capitol? don't spell... love ya!


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