Good Gravy, Mama!

Another ridiculous look into life as a SAHM (slave at home mom) and her convoluted view of stuff.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Look, I work at Speedy Lube! Seeeeeee!

SO, my kids go to bed early, and lately, my hubby goes into the bedroom to fufill the little fantasies in his head. NO....not that... He wants to be a DJ when he grows up. Apparently this "Director of Engineering" thing for a major worldwide corporation is a dead end job. Being a House Music DJ, working company parties and school carnivals is where his future is, you see.

So, in any case, I'm left in the living room alone with the tivo to do as I please..and honestly, cleaning is not what I want to do. My nightly routine is as follows.

1. Get jammies on
2. Find the biggest bowl in the house
3. Pull a pomegranate out of the fruit bowl
4. Tear the buhjeezuz out of the fruit, sucking each seed and drop of juice while watching whatever I please with out stopping to explain household minutia regarding trivial topics and why the universe works the way it does in our house.

Yup. pomegranates...LUV. THEM. They are so tasty, and within each leathery purse of red pleasure (STOP THAT!) is a mini-vacation. It takes you a on a different journey everytime. Through membranes and crevices and protective bitter bulges lie the most amazing pockets of red velvet love.(SERIOUSLY...KNOCK IT OFF!) So immaculate and pristine are these little berries, and your mouth explodes with this divine high after shoving 30 of those little prizes in your mouth at once. YUM!

But, there is a downside to thise pleasurable experience. Unfortunately, somebody is going to suspect something after they see's everywhere...under your nails, that is. Black stains....kinda like I've been repairing car transmissions for decades. It's embarassing....People are going to talk. I know they will. "Does that lady touch her kids with those hands? "

I don't care, I love my nightly all I got, besides the bedroom DJ anyway.


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