Good Gravy, Mama!

Another ridiculous look into life as a SAHM (slave at home mom) and her convoluted view of stuff.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Friggin' Genius

So, I have this husband...smartest dude ever, sometimes. Wanna make 10 different technologies talk that were never designed to? He's your man! Can't get your satellite TV to work? No problem! He's on it! Want to design a post production house using a matchbox, 10 thimbles and a case of "AAA" batteries? He's all over it, like white on rice! Wanna have have him help your almost 2-year old wash her hands? DON'T DO IT!

We were coming in from playing outside yesterday. I asked the hubby to help the baby girl wash her hands in the bathroom. There is a short stool and a tall stool next to the sink. The tall stool is for her and the short stool is for my naturally much taller almost 5-year old son. She stands on the short stool. Captain Brainfart, thinks, "Hmmmm...this stool isn't working". I'm pretty sure that most of the free world would solve this problem by then placing her on the tall stool, right? oh, nooooo. Not my husband...what does this technically savvy, mechanical genius do? HE PUTS THE SHORT STOOL ON TOP, (Yup, you heard me!!!!) ON TOP! OF THE OTHER STOOL!!!!

uh, huh.......I see the fear in your eyes...if you know my daughter, she LOVES this idea of stacking climbing devices....To her, my extreme sports baby, it's like skydiving with a bungee cord parachute!!!!
So Captain Brainfart sees that his little cohort, Concusion Girl, is facinated with this idea and begins to stack the stools to climb them herself, and from the kitchen I hear this, "hmmm....oh, crap...."

Me (in kitchen, preparing dinner):What's wrong?

CBF: uh...I shouldn't have showed her that.

Me: ..showed her what?

CBF: How to stack the stools so she could be taller....

Me: You did WHAT?

CBF: uh...I know, that was stupid....

ME: Duh!? Now she's going to break her neck! OMG! You have a time out! Go sit on your bed!

Well, since we were kinda joking around, my son was LOVING THIS! His Dad got a time out and had to sit on the edge of his bed!!! That ROCKS! In his world, he's the only one who has to endure this kind of torture!!!!

Hubby walks to the bedroom, and my son, giddy as all heck, is walking behind him, giggling like mad! "Daddy has a time out! hee, heehoo, hoo, hah, ha, haw!"

So hubby sits on the bed, and our little boy sits next to him.

Little boy: Now you have to say sorry.

CBF: Sorry

Little Boy: ...for.....

CBF: ...for stacking the stools. I'm sorry for stacking the stools.

Little Boy: Okay, don't do that, Dad.

CBF: Okay, I won't.

Well, I think hubby learned his lesson. At least I hope he did, or he might get a big ole' spankin'!


At Tue Jul 18, 06:25:00 PM PDT, Blogger spnstr said...

Tears are rolling down my cheeks! Why? A. I'm related to the Captain, and B. because I am sitting in a Kinko's in Florida with husband on our "date night" because we couldn't get the internet at our hotel... so we go to Kinko's instead of, oh, I don't know... a movie!!!??? So, I weep. But with laughter mostly.

At Tue Sep 19, 08:50:00 PM PDT, Blogger Steve said...

it was in a moment like this one that man first discovered he could drink cows milk. think about it...


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